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Written: Thursday, December 14 11:20 am - 2:10 pm
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Wiretap channel
Secret key generation
Covert communications
Secret key generation
Secret key generation from correlated observations
Public authenticated channel of unlimited capacity available for
A code for secret-key generation consists
of an encoding function and a decoding function
The performance of an
code is measured in terms of
The rate of the code (bits/source symbol)
Reliability and secrecy and
Secret key generation
For a physically degraded discrete memoryless channel characterized
by and ,
Not different from secrecy capacity, but this is an artefact of
physically degraded channels
In general, secret key generation rates are higher than wiretap
coding rates.
How do we operationalize secrecy?
Can we leverage the coding mechanisms studied earlier?
Covert communications
Covert communication model
Pioneering work paper: B.A Bash et al., Limits of
Reliable Communication with Low Probability of Detection on AWGN
Channels, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, (2013)
Covertness metric: (asymptotic independence)
A code for a wiretap channel consists of
an encoding function and a
decoding function
The performance of an
code is measured in terms of